Description of the project

Rethinking approaches and tools for an integrated transdisciplinary assessment of climate-compatible energy strategies in the African Union and the European Union.

Scientific tools are widely used in the EU and AU to support strategic planning for climate-compatible development. They are used by national authorities, research institutes and civil society organizations, often with the support of development partners, universities and consultancies.

However, the scientific knowledge derived from these tools has not always successfully supported the strategic energy planning process. Sometimes, uncoordinated and biased approaches to the design and application of the models by the actors involved on the EU and AU side have led to poor consideration of the social, economic and environmental specificities of each country. 

This often results in a lack of ownership and credibility and, consequently, limited adoption in planning and policy-making processes. To address this gap, the overall objective of RE-INTEGRATE is to establish, within the existing AU and EU energy planning ecosystems, a supportive and inclusive environment for sharing knowledge, context-specific modelling tools and modelling expertise on climate compatible development.

RE-INTEGRATE responds to the need expressed in the work programme to foster modelling approaches and expertise within the AU, by structurally enabling multilateral sharing of knowledge and research infrastructures. In doing so, it develops and tests 3E models adapted to 8 AU contexts, drawing on local expertise and analysing climate-compatible development paths.

Our objectives

Analyse and understand the existing energy planning ecosystems in the AU and EU in order to establish a favorable environment for knowledge sharing and the development of low-carbon energy modelling tools.

SO1: To formalise partnerships across eight national energy planning ecosystems in the AU and integrate them into the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue. 

SO2: To carry out, in partnership, integrated energy-economy-environment modelling assessments of climate-compatible energy development strategies that produce actionable evidence for decision-making within the AU-EU partnership on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy.

 SO3: To develop practical and actionable recommendations for coherent and compatible policy responses that simultaneously fit the multiple, interrelated and evolving goals of the AU and the EU. 

SO4: To establish an effective monitoring and evaluation process for the extent and quality of knowledge sharing between and across AU and EU countries. 

SO5: To establish a dissemination, communication and exploitation mechanism that supports the bottom-up development and sharing of energy planning capacity (modelling toolkits, teaching material, datasets, best practices for knowledge curation) and allows for the massive exploitation of findings and results of the assessments in industry, policy, and society.


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Our Partners

Funded by
the European Union

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